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It is a fact that during the quarantine, many couples ended their relationship. This usually happens because neither of them was taught to be in the same place 24/7, with the same person. At the same time, quarantine is an unprecedented situation for everyone, so irritability and stress increase the chances of quarrels and possibly break-up.

Can you catch it? You can!

There are many ways to keep your relationship safe, even in quarantine.

Go for a walk, separately!

Send a message to both of you and go for a walk. Do not tell each other where you are going. Take a walk, in areas you have not been together. After an hour, meet up and tell your partner what you saw, what impressed you, or something that caught your attention. Thus, you create a topic of discussion beyond the trivial, while at the same time discovering new areas and points of interest that you can go along with. At the same time, you have completed a very important step. You have taken a wonderful walk with yourself. Is there anything better than that?

Find a “homework”.

Because of quarantine, many of us either do not work at all or work from home. So, our daily life has become a routine! There are many “homemade” activities that can change this routine, excite your creativity and, why not, attract the interest of your partner. Indoor gardening, mini renovations, DIY, Youtube tutorials, clothing processing, and board games are just a few of the many things you can do to keep the routine away from your home.

Story time.

Sit back and relax in your favorite place and tell stories from your relationship. Remember all the funny moments and describe them in detail. You will see how easily you can laugh, get excited and remember how beautifully you had a good time. This is also an opportunity to dream about the future, to say how you imagine your relationship, but also to discuss what brings you beautiful memories. In this way, you will have brought in the present beautiful moments that you may have forgotten.

Cook together.

Cooking is a very fun activity to do with your partner. Look up for a recipe together, gather the ingredients, and cook together. You do not need to have culinary knowledge and do not have to follow the recipe completely. The time you spend together is much more important. Once you have finished cooking, clean the kitchen together and sit down to eat. You will see how different this meal will be!

Watch movies that you can discuss.

There are many movies and series. They do not always have to be blockbusters. Find a movie where the subject will allow you to discuss and analyze it. Tell your opinion or even what you would do in that case. You do not have to agree. You need to discuss, each with his own views and arguments. So, starting with a movie, you will find yourself having a meaningful conversation that fills you up.

There are so many things you can do to protect your relationship from routine. But the most important thing is to understand that quarantine is something permanent. It will not last forever. But your relationship if you wish, can last forever, and offer you unique moments.

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